Ditch the damaged locks & frantic frizz with our easy to do DIY Honey Hair Mask.
What you'll need:
1 tbsp organic coconut oil
1 tbsp organic raw honey
Mixing bowl
Shower cap or hair tie
What to do:
1. Mix ingredients together- as an added step you can heat the mixture up which will help open up your hair follicles allowing for deeper penetration
2. Apply to hair- with a towel around your shoulders apply to wet hair focusing on the end where the real damage occurs
3. Sit back and let it soak in- pin hair up in shower cap or hair tie and take 30-40 minutes to sit back & relax with a book, meditation, or beauty mask
The Science:
Honey- honey the vitamins and essential fatty acids found in coconut oil nourish the scalp and help remove oil build-up from hair follicles which allows hair to grow thicker, longer, and stronger
Coconut Oil- the vitamins and essential fatty acids found in coconut oil nourish the scap and help remove oil build-up from hair follicles which allows hair to grow thicker, longer, and faster
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This mask is very good for your hair, but you cannot use it too often. slither