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Tips to Transforming your Home into a Sanctuary

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

It is an interesting era to be living in. Everyone is being asked to take a step back, slow down, stay home, and move inward. Instead of panic and dismay, let's use this time transform not only ourselves but our very homes. It's time to clean out the clutter, shed some weight, and create beauty in our very own sanctuary.

1. Deep clean- pull everything out, wipe everything down, disinfect your entire home with non-toxic products. Try our favorite here.

2. Declutter- our home is a reflection of our minds. What can you let go of or reorganize? If it doesn't serve you or spark joy say goodbye!

3. Lighting- lighting is key to setting up a vibe. In the day time try and get as much natural light as possible. In the evenings, make sure your light bulb selection gives off a warm glow.

4. Keep it green- plants are a lovely way to make your home feel like a home. Our green friends make a house come alive and are a great way to add color.

5. Make an alter- having a sacred space that is always kept clean is a great way to connect with the divine inside of you. Add crystals, your favorite oils, incense, and a meaningful photo to an open space in your place.

6. Diffuse it- smell is the first thing someone experiences when they walk into a room. Having a powerful oil diffuser on at all times can not only clean the air but it can ground you to your space in a positive way.

So while we're all hunkered down remember to keep calm and clean on!

If you're looking for more ways to transform yourself and your home join us for our 21 Day SuperStar Cleanse and receive:

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