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Doterra Oregano and Basil Spaghetti sauce

Updated: Jul 20, 2024

We absolutely love an excuse to cook with our beloved essential oils. Today - we’re using Doterra’s Oregano Oil (which just so happens to be the oil of the month! Here’s the link) as well as Doterra’s Basil oil. They both make for incredible

Here’s a healthy alternative recipe for a classic dish!


2 pounds Roma tomatos, halved

1 onion, sliced

4 cloves garlic

Avocado Oil

Sea Salt and Pepper

1 drop Doterra Basil oil

1 drop Doterra Oregano oil

Put it together:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F

  2. Placed sliced tomatoes, onions, and garlic on baking sheet

  3. Add sea salt, pepper, and avocado oil on top of the tomatoes, onions, and garlic

  4. Cook for 1-2 hours or until tomatoes and onions begin to darken around the edged

  5. Remove from the oven and transfer to a flood processor blender.

  6. Pulse until sauce reached desired consistency,

  7. Add Basil and Oregano and stir.

We like to lay ours over chickpea pasta, but you can lather it on any noodles of your choice.


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